What is the objective of the game of Punto y Banca?

game of Punto y Banca

Already knowing the history of the Baccarat game and having an appetizer of each of its variants; We are going to study in depth one of the most popular variants in online casino games: Punto y Banca. This way of playing will remind you a lot of online blackjack, although it is even simpler.

In this version the player represents the Point and the casino represents the Bank. And in short, what we must do is contribute for the Point, for the Bank or for the tie.

It is played with eight (8) French decks where each one has 52 cards, with all the cards of the same color, or four (4) and four (4) of each color.

Being you the player, you compete against the Bank for who will have the best hand, that is, who will manage to add nine (9) points. For this you must know the value that is given to the cards and we will see it in the next section.

So that you have a clearer idea and better understand the dynamics of the game, we give you an example: if you have two cards, a seven (7) and a five (5), your sum would be twelve (12). Then you would proceed to eliminate the ten from the number twelve (12), we would be left with the number two (2), and this would be the total of our sum. The idea is that the value of your hand should always be a single figure.

The sum is obtained, as in our example, by adding two or three cards. And the same procedure is done both with the player’s hand and with the Banker’s hand to find out who won.

When the first two cards are dealt, eight (8) or nine (9) must be added, otherwise a third card will be dealt; and this distribution is governed by some particular rules that we will see below.


baccarat table

Let’s see one of the most important points that we must know to start playing this game: the value of the cards.

The cards from two (2) to nine (9) maintain their numerical value.

The Ace has the value of one (1).

10, J, Q and K will have the value of zero (0).

To know the result of your move, you just have to add the value of the two cards that you have been given at the beginning of the game, and ignore the tens. Now understanding this, you can understand the plays:

If in this first summation you or the Bank obtain an eight (8) or nine (9), that hand is called natural and it is the best play that can be obtained.

It occurs when your two cards or those of the Banker add up to zero (0), and it is the worst play that can be obtained.

If none of the above options are given, a third card is dealt and here the plays for Punto and Banca are divided as follows:



If your first two cards have a sum from zero (0) to five (5), you receive a third card. The foregoing is true as long as the Bank does not have an eight (8) or nine (9).

If he has a six (6) or a seven (7), the player stands; and the house receives a third letter.


If the Bank has a sum of zero (0) to two (2), and the Point does not have eight (8) or nine (9), then he receives a third card.

If you have three (3) points, you receive a third card, unless the Point upon receiving your third card has achieved an eight (8).

If he adds four (4) points, he receives a third card, while the player has with his third card a sum from two (2) to seven (7).

If he obtains five (5) points, the Banker receives a third card, if the player’s third card adds up to four (4) to seven (7).

With the sum of six (6) the Bank must stand, unless with the third card the Point has six (6) or seven (7), and then if he would receive a third card.

If their sum is seven (7) the Banker simply stands, without a third card.

Knowing the plays now we will understand the mechanics of the game, and learn the step by step. We will make it easy for you to start playing, continue with us.

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